Friday, January 15, 2010

"i have my own recipe of bullshit, and i won't digest any other bullshit"


there's something different about the young and the old
the young laugh when the old walk away
but the old walk away knowing something


"looks like things have changed."
"how's that?"
"now you're chasing me."
"it means i'm not dead...yet."
"it means i'm not dead yet."


looking around the near empty bar
drinking to intoxication,
to the beyond
(wherever that is
never went there sober, so wouldn't know)

couldn't help but pause and think
the weight of things that would never let me
just fly away
(but it could've just been the beer sitting
in my belly)

then i think
maybe i'm next
and with a smile
i chug the last half

because while it's half empty
why the hell not?

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