Saturday, November 14, 2009

i want to eat his heart out

i'll eat your bloodied heart and remember the taste of it
i'll laugh with no pity for your tears
i've spilled enough of my own
you're nothing to me now but someone i've destroyed
your destruction is my hope in life
i'll see you in hell


  1. Let's see if I can write on yours. Stupid thing!

    Anyway, I think you are turning into a rager. But I really can't see it in you. You think you're a hardass but to me you seem so delicate and genuine, always wishing the best for others (even those that suck). I can never decide if this is foolish or divine. If forgiveness gives us peace and makes others nonexistent/unable to harm us whatsoever then is that the way to go? Because I do believe we allows those who we hate some control over us. In hating them so much the last thing we would want to do is give them power, but I have to admit that we do. And maybe the best thing to do is render them a fly that we don't even notice/we don't even see. And then one day when its smashed into further oblivion we allow ourselves a silent, flicker of a smile that no one will ever see or know. Or maybe at that point we will have grown enough to harbor not even a fingernail of vehemence.

    In hurting him, you hurt yourself; you use your time, your energy, your own goodness, and the most harm you can do (really) is to be absent from his life.
