Saturday, August 22, 2009

hidden consequence

you're my daughter

If you murder, I love you
If you fail, I love you
If you never compare, I love you
Just know, you're my hidden consequence

I didn't know love and shame went hand in hand

Sunday, August 9, 2009


she sits there, unlike everyone
she is, unlike everyone
she watches them as she is, unlike everyone
nowhere anywhere is what she would call somewhere she belongs
she doesn't


it's been a week. 
the blood.
where is the blood?
what's so great about it that we do it?
what do we really want to achieve?

it's a mixture of everything.
there's something cursed about this month 
job 3
there's something cursed
about me

no matter who is there to support you, you're alone when the time comes.
at the pivotal, climactic moment, everyone falls away and there is only you to rely on
only your strength, your courage
grow some, or get some

Sunday, August 2, 2009


"hold me."
he does so, noticing the pained look in her eyes, he asks no questions, but complies.
he gently places her head on his shoulder, her forehead is wet with cold sweat
he feels her clenched. 
he wants to say relax, but he thinks it.
he wants to say everything is okay, but he wills it.
he wants to say, i love you... and silence ensues.

he did not know the next morning she would be gone.

(a naturally happy disposition x a period of trial) / complete lack of support from loved ones = indulgence in all that is pleasurable NOW

thank you. math-genius not responsible.